Jan 2014


"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." - Roald Dahl

Of the various Listservs I subscribe to, a common theme of late was the end of year/beginning of year, inspirationally-quote heavy emails.  Some, asking for donations, but most were just sharing hopes for another year filled with abundance, adaptive change, facing new challenges with courage, etc.  I suppose this is because many of these Listservs focus on educating the next generation, designing systems for positive social change, growing food to feed us all--you know, the hopeful, new-agey shit that I like to read.  The quote above was the central message of one of these, specifically in regard to children and outdoor education.  I'm kind of in love with it, so I decided to share it.  A little reminder to keep those glittering eyes open for the unexpected developments 2014 is sure to hold.

I had intentions to write something at Thanksgiving, and again before or around Christmas.  But November and December were surprisingly busier than expected.  My "free" time was better spent sleeping, watching crap on Netflix, listening to podcasts, trying very hard to get better at african dance, making new jam recipes, seeing old friends, and hanging with family.  That being the case, I can say it was time well spent.  I took some amazing naps, watched yet another Nirvana documentary (and one about NWA, and another about an all-black punk band from Detroit), finally listened to ALL of Gang Leader for a Day (which I recommend, highly), practiced my core-to-hip connection with Congolese drumming, canned a baller version of ginger-pear marmalade with a hot peppers, stayed up too late enjoying the comfort of decade-long friendships, celebrated a happy engagement of a close friend, had several amazing family meals and Hank Williams sing-alongs (complete with guitars and yodeling as accompaniment), and finally, convinced my niece that the most fun you can have in life is running around in circles on piggy-bank whilst singing ridiculous songs, not unlike a character from Looney Tunes.  

I didn't get a whole lot of writing done.  But I enjoyed time spent with myself and others, and I have so much gratitude for that.  I am thinking of 2014 as a year for acceptance.  Acceptance of the areas of my life that are full, as well as the ones that less full.  Opening my heart a little more to feelings of vulnerability and letting them be, instead of running away to hide.  This is somewhat of a vague, conceptual resolution.  On new year's day, my sister-in-law and I were discussing the importance of setting resolutions that--in keeping with motivational change theory--are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely; the good 'ol SMART goals.  That way, you increase the likelihood of achieving the change you seek--or so says the evidence.  I'll keep working on specifics.  But in the meantime, the resolution is out there.  Now it's time to get down to making it happen!
© 2019 Ali Abate