Apr 2019

voila, viola!

“Wildlife and Wild Woman are both endangered species”
-Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Spring has sprung. And although a reluctant empath, I have bursted forth from my seed coat of safety and my warm, winter lair to traipse into the grasses and start gathering the wild things again. Violets are featured prominently of late and below, soon to be followed by the garlic mustard sitting on my counter that’s begging for a pesto blend. The clover leaves + dandelions I saw today mean that flower wine time is not far behind.

perennial purples - viola + muscari foreground, magnolia background.

wild violet syrup
steep violets in near boiling water (petals only, all green parts removed // ~2 cups violets, 1-2 cups water, less water = richer color).
let steep for 24 hours in a glass bowl, covered with tea towel.
strain solids and reserve liquid. compost the petals.
make simple syrup with liquid, by warming gently in a bain marie with a 1: 1 ratio of sugar to liquid.
when sugar is dissolved decant into a bottle or jar. store in fridge.
enjoy with sparkling water or with a boozy counterpart. the gin-based ‘aviation’ is a nice option ;)

Victorian Posy Cake, with candied wild violets.
to make candied flowers: select violets with large, showy petals. either the purple or white will do. pick with stems on.
store in jar with stems in water if traveling far before preparing.
separate an egg, beat the white subtly until frothy.
using a small, clean paintbrush, paint each petal with egg white, front and back.
sprinkle with granulated or caster sugar.
dry on parchment paper, on a plate or baking sheet.
decorate baked goods to heart’s content.
*this cake also has a dusting of violet sugar (macerated violet petals and caster sugar).

© 2019 Ali Abate